When decorating with ornamental plants, is a good idea to know that plants can be harmful
Pets and children. The following is a list of common houseplants which should be kept
Meet the pets and children might be inclined to chew to the leaves or put in their mouths.
?? Philodendron
The Philodendron is the Ivy guy with heart-shaped leaves a plant and is one of the most important
popular House plant. Eat or chew this plant will result in that burning sensation in the lips.
Mouth, throat and may lead, that a rash. Rinse mouth thoroughly with clear child
of water. Must be consumed a large amount of cause a serious reaction is a good idea
the poison control call, when your child leaves to eat.
?? Pothos
Pothos is a more popular House plant. Is a plant with large Ivy-shaped heart
striped leaves yellow or white. Food or chewing this plant could cause that a
Feeling the lips mouth and throat to burn and can cause that a rash. Rinsing of the child
Mouth thoroughly with water. It requires much serious
Response, but it is a good idea to call poison control, when your child leaves to eat.
?? Dieffenbachia or dumb cane
This is a large plant with large oblong leaves which have white spots. Food or chewing
This plant can cause that burning sensation for the lips, mouth and throat, is a rash and may
Lead also temporary deterioration in discourse. Wash your baby's mouth with water and call
Poison control.
?? Azalea/rhododendron
It is a flowering shrub that comes in a variety of colors. This is a dangerous plant
keep away from children and pets. This plant can cause burning sensation in the mouth,
Vomiting, diarrhea, headache, skin, tingling, shadow of the vision, muscle weakness, slow
Heartbeat, abnormally low blood pressure, seizures and coma. This plant can cause that
Death. When your child request immediately modulated any this plant poison control.
?? Nerium oleander
It is a flower with clusters of white flower, pink or red with long, narrow leaves up to
10 cm long. This plant is highly toxic and should TV be kept from children and pets.
This plant can cause death. When your child modulated everyone this plant call poison control
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